Some recent highlights, presentations, publications, etc.
07.17.19 | Actionable Resilience | Speaker: Design Museum Summer Story Hour | Portland. OR
04.05.19 | Landscape Architecture: Our Role in Climate Change | Speaker: Grey to Green Conference, Toronto, Canada
02.11.19 | Design for Climate: An Interdisciplinary Approach | Speaker: Urban Ecology & Conservation Symposium 2019, Portland, OR
10.05.18 | As a landscape architect, how do you interpret the word “biodiversity”? How does this meaning find expression in your design? | Roundtable Contributor: The Nature of Cities
06.07.18 | Square One: Historical Ecology | Speaker: Land8x8 Lightning Talks: Next Practices in Landscape Architecture, Seattle, WA
05.13.18 | Map and Explore: Hidden Hydrology | Article: The Nature of Cities
04.19.18 | Design to the Data: Using Data to Improve Design | Design Week Portland Panel discussion – sponsored by CMD
10.19.17 | Green Roofs Support The Salmon Ecosystem in the Northwest | Speaker: Cities Alive Conference, Seattle WA
09.02.17 | Greener Belltown = Bluer Sound Workshop | 2030 District, Seattle WA
08.16.17 | Imagine an “ecological certification” for urban design. What are such a certification’s key elements? | Roundtable Contributor: The Nature of Cities
07.07.17 | Crossing the Design-Science Divide | Article: The Nature of Cities
06.07.17 | Crossing the Design-Science Divide | Speaker: 2017 International Urban Wildlife Conference, San Diego, CA
04.21.17 | Hidden Hydrology as Ecological Inspiration: Exploring Buried Creeks and Disappeared Streams as a Tool for Regenerative Planning and Design Strategies | Speaker: 2017 Washington ASLA Annual Conference, Spokane, WA
01.24.17 | You say po-TAY-to. What ecologists and landscape architects don’t get about each other, but ought to | Roundtable Contributor: The Nature of Cities
10.03.16 | Regulatory Trends and Pending Policy, Portland and San Francisco | Moderator: 2016 Ecoroof Symposium, Portland, OR
06.15.16 | Winning The Stormwater Game: Green Infrastructure Planning & Design | Speaker: USGBC Cascadia Collaborative, Seattle, WA
02.24.16 | Design Thinking: Using Integrated Green Infrastructure to Shape our Urban Future | Keynote Speaker: 2016 Puget Sound Green Infrastructure Summit, Seattle, WA
06.05.15 | Ecological inspirations: The hidden hydrology of Portland w/Matt Burlin | UERC Brownbag Lunch n Learn – Metro, Portland, OR
02.09.15 | Ecological inspirations: The hidden hydrology of Portland | Urban Ecology & Conservation Symposium 2015, Portland, OR
05.21.14 | Design+Science: Linking Green Roof Research to Practice | Speaker: 2014 Ecoroof Symposium, Portland, OR
04.04.13 | Engineering News Record (ENR) Northwest – Top 20 under 40
10.25.12 | EcoDistricts and Urban Ecology: A Novel Approach | EcoDistricts Summit, Portland, OR
Speakers that inspired them most: “Keith Bowers of BioHabitats and Jason King of TerraFluxus, because their ideas imparted a deep level of knowledge on the ecological interactions between humans and species within ecosystems and revealed a rich sense of place.”
02.16.12 | PDX Link – World Class Bicycle Infrastructure for Portland w/ THINK.urban – Allison Duncan & Katrina Zimmerman | GOOD: Ideas for Cities, Portland, OR
02.01.12 | “Land – “scape” – Land – “space” – Pedantic, Semantic, or merely Annagramatic | Essay: Atlantis Magazine, 22.4 – Urban Landscape
04.01.11 | Green Roofs – Panel Discussion w/ Tom Liptan, Steve Koch, & Sarah Whitney | HOPES Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
06.01.11 | “Interview With Jason King: What’s Next For Landscape Urbanism?” | Scenario Journal